Thursday, November 22, 2001

I'm beyond exited!
I went to the Lurlene McDaniel message board after abandoning it for like a month and she had actually posted there! XD XD
She must had just done it too because she had only one reply ^^;
I had sooo many things I wanted to say to her, but I felt bad about doing it on the message board with other people trying to post too.
She had asked if people liked her new book and I basicly commented on that.
I managed to fit in that I liked to write too, and how about I just post the entire thing up on this website, and when she replies I add that too. ._.

Lurlene's Message :D

I enjoyed all your posts, even the one from the reader who doesn't like my books. (It happens....) You all are the most wonderful readers in the world and I count myself very fortunate to have you reading my books. Yes, I know they can sometimes be very sad, but such is real life. Both my dear parents have died and I miss them everyday. I think writing about death makes it seem less scary, less intimidating. Death is part of the cycle of life. Sickness, a burden that many must bear. Yet, the kids I've met who struggle with illnesses and do something positive for all who suffer are MY heroes.
Thank you again for all your comments.

PS. Anybody read HOW DO I LOVE THEE yet? I wanted these stories to be about the strength of love.

My reply^^

From: Blueskies (MEGGIECHAN) 7:36 pm
To: LURLENEMCDAN unread (5 of 5)
67.5 in reply to 67.1

I've recently been absent from this board, and I can't believe that when I come back Lurlene McDaniel has posted here.
I've always wanted to write to you but have never found the time ^^;
I love your books. I'm pretty sure I have them all now (besides the ones that are out of print.)
I have so much to say but I don't want to take up anyones time on here, and I've been meaning to write you anyway, so I'll just say I really like 'How do I love thee' so far.
I found Nightvision very diffrent but so very beautiful.
I haven't read 'Laura's Heart' yet, but I will be and I'm sure its wonderfull^-^
I'm sixteen, and I want to be a writer one day too.
Thanks for the long hours of reading enjoyment,
God bless you.


Well I swear this has been like the highlight of my life (and in light of some intense suffering this week too ;_;)
I only wish she knew just how great this has been for me ^^

So, yeah I had something to say about my 'hospital hopping' on Monday but I don't wanna cuz I'm on cloud nine. XD
So I'll show my sexy shoes :D